Thursday, June 23

Summer Events in Muskoka and Almaguin

There's a whole lot going on in Muskoka and Almaguin this summer! Check back often for updates to our list.

Canada Day in Huntsville
Plenty to do all day long as we celebrate the nation's birthday. Cake, flags and music in River Mill Park from 9:30 - 11:30 am. Live jazz on the town hall steps from 11am - 3pm. Strawberry Social at Muskoka Heritage Place from 10am - 4pm. Girl 8 Festival featuring local female-led performing artists at River Mill Park beginning at 7pm. The Mayflower Lake Amphitheatre in Arrowhead Park is hosting a performance by folk singer Glen Reid and fiddler Marion Linton from 7:30 - 9pm. It all ends with a bang: Fireworks over Hunters Bay from dusk till 10pm (Avery Beach is a great viewing location).
July 1

Canada Day in Burk's Falls
A full day of events celebrating Canada's birthday, starting at 11am in Stan Darling Park. Cake, hot dogs, balloons, displays. Free public skating at the arena. Fireworks at dusk in the Fairgrounds on July 3rd (or July 4th rain date).
Burk's Falls
July 1 & 3

Music at Noon 
Refresh your body and spirit with these 15 free concerts presented at Trinity United Church weekdays commencing at 12:15 pm. See the Huntsville Festival of the Arts calendar for daily details.
July 4 -22

Concerts in the Park
The 2011 Concerts in the Park Series takes place every Wednesday evening at the Huntsville Town Docks. Bring your lawn chair and toonie for some tunes.
Huntsville, Town Docks
Wednesdays, July 6th - August 24, 7pm

Downchild Blues Band 
As relevant today as they were 40 years ago, Downchild's new CD I Need A Hat received Recording of the Year at the 2011 Maple Blues Awards. From inspring the creation of the legendary Blues Brothers, to receiving countless awards and recognitions, the group has never forgotten their main purpose - to entertain their legion of fans. At the Algonquin Theatre. Visit Huntsville Festival of the Arts - Downchild for details and tickets.
July 7

An Evening with Margaret Trudeau
The Algonquin Theatre hosts Margaret Trudeau as she shares her fascinating life stories to tell and a strong, clear message on the importanceMusic at Noon
Refresh your body and spirit with these 15 free concerts presented at Trinity United Church weekdays commencing at 12:15 pm. July 4-22nd. of finding balance of mind, body and spirit. Followed by a Q&A session led by Valerie Pringle. Visit Huntsville Festival of the Arts - Margaret Trudeau for details.
July 8

Edge of the Woods Theatre Festival - Huntsville 
An outdoor theatre extravaganza for all ages, this one-of-a-kind event features exhilarating outdoor performances, tasty treats and free arts activities for kids of all ages. Each evening's line-up includes acrobats, break dancers, beat boxers, stilt walkers, tap dancers and clownish mayhem performed by artists from across Canada. Admission is by donation. Bring a lawn chair, sit back and enjoy a beautiful summer evening of delightful entertainment downtown. Visit Edge of the Woods Theatre Company for details.
Huntsville, Town Docks
July 8 & 9

Grady's Paddle for SickKids
A great day of canoeing or kayaking, followed by food, entertainment and prizes, all for an important cause. Read more about here or Visit Grady's Gift for details.
Burk's Falls - Magnetawan
July 9

Hawksley Workman 
Two-time Juno award winner and hometown hero Workman is a prolific songwriter, producer, singer, multi-instrumentalist, actor, and published author. His 12-year career has produced as many records, all ambitiously creative and defying category. Catch him live in the intimate, 400-seat Algonquin Theatre. Visit Huntsville Festival of the Arts - Hawksley for details and tickets.
July 9

Nuit Blanche North
Huntsville’s downtown comes alive with an exciting program of free contemporary artistic activities, events and exhibits taking place in 
traditional and unconventional places. The theme of the evening is ‘Play,’
and participants are encourage to engage, explore, discover, debate, 
create and participate in the contemporary art and public spaces that surround them. From sculpture, to music, to street theatre, to film and interactive displays, the only thing certain is that creativity and expression will be paramount. No experience necessary, only a desire to experience and play! Visit Huntsville Festival of the Arts - Nuit Blanche for details.
Huntsville Downtown
July 9, 9pm

Firefly Festival
An evening of live music, dance performances, entertainment, and sidewalk sales in historic downtown Huntsville.
Huntsville Downtown
July 15, 6pm-midnight

Edge of the Woods Theatre Festival - Burk's Falls 
An outdoor theatre extravaganza for all ages, this one-of-a-kind event features exhilarating outdoor performances, tasty treats and free arts activities for kids of all ages. Each evening's line-up includes acrobats, break dancers, beat boxers, stilt walkers, tap dancers and clownish mayhem performed by artists from across Canada. Admission is by donation. Bring a lawn chair, sit back and enjoy a beautiful summer evening of delightful entertainment downtown. Visit Edge of the Woods Theatre Company for details.
Burk's Falls, Stan Darling Parkette
July 15

Big Names, Live Concerts
The Algonquin Theatre, a 400-seat venue in downtown Huntsville, is the perfect place to experience some great musical performances, including:
 • George Canyon, July 14
 • Steven Page, July 15
 • Serena Ryder, July 21
 • Oliver Jones, July 22
 • Crash Test Dummies, July 23

Daylily Festival 
Walk through fields of blooming lilies. Choose your favourite and the staff at the Fern Glen Garden Centre will dig it up for you to purchase and take home. The weekend features the Northern Lights Steel Orchestra, vendors, demos and more.
Emsdale, Fern Glen Garden Centre
July 23 & 24

en Plein Air 
Cheer on renowned local artists and area dignitaries as they create masterpieces on the streets of downtown over the space of four short hours. After watching your favourite work of art being created, you'll have the chance to take it home with you at the live auction at 3pm on the Town Hall steps.
Huntsville Downtown
July 28

Kearney Regatta
A weekend celebration with water and land competitions, craft sale, rock climbing wall, beer tent, barbeque and party.
July 28 - August 1

August Long Weekend

The biggest weekend of the summer, a holiday just to celebrate the sunny season! Swim, hike, paddle, star gaze, tell stories around a bon fire at night. Whatever you do, get out of the city and make the most of a long weekend up north! 

July 28 - August 1

Music in the Park Music in the Park 

Enjoy a celebration of jazz and contemporary music outdoors — bring your lawn chair, bask in the sun and enjoy great vibes.

Huntsville River Mill Park

July 30, 11am - 5pm

Dwight Firefest

Billed as Muskoka's biggest beach party. Activities include bbq, beach activities, Northern Lights Steel Band, fireworks at dusk. $5/person.

Dwight Beach

July 30, 5pm to dark

Algonquin Park Programs

Throughout the summer and fall, Algonquin Provincial Park offers an array of special events and interpretive programs to give visitors a deeper understanding and appreciate for the park and the natural world. Events include public wolf howls, canoe paddle carving, wild and edible plants, nature photography, animal tracking and more. Visit the Friends of Algonquin Park special events page for a full schedule, details and prices.

Algonquin Park

July 29 - October 9

Perseids Meteor Shower

The sky puts on a light show every year from early- to mid-August. We'll have a full moon during the peak nights, which will impede viewing, but the weeks leading up to the peak should still provide enough shooting stars for some good wishes!

Early August, peaking on August 12 - 1

Huntsville Water Fest
Celebrating and recognizing the importance of water for a healthy and vibrant community, in partnership with the Farmers Market the Huntsville Festival of the Arts. Enjoy water-themed events and performances.

Huntstville River Mill Park

August 13, 1 - 5pm

Artists of the Limberlost Studio Tour

Tour the studios of scenic Limberlost Road, meet the resident and guest artists, and see an incredible array of top-quality artwork in a variety of media. Visit the Artists of the Limberlost for map route and details.

Limberlost Road
August 13 & 14

Field to Fork Tasting Event

Sample a variety of locally-inspired food dishes and beverages from Muskoka area chefs and restaurants. Discover the vast amount of culinary and agricultural resources the region has to offer. Tickets are $65 each or two for $120. Visit Savour Muskoka for details and advance purchase.

Brooklands, Milford Bay

August 14, 1 - 4pm