Every month offers something interesting to see, do or taste -- and June is no exception. Here are some of the moments of the month...
Many of our guests this month saw moose in or near Algonquin Park (one even right on Fern Glen Road!). This picture was shared by many-time-repeat guests Steve and Lesley, taken in Algonquin Park during a visit with us. Thanks for sharing!
Jim and I both ran in the Huntville Half, Jim the 10k run and I the 5k distance. Others did the half-marathon distance but not us! Following the run was a great music festival featuring The Sheepdogs (pictured above), the Sadies and local musicians. it was a fabulous event all around!
Jim's first swim of the season. The water was still too chilly for me, but it was warm enough for some families down the beach at Arrowhead Park. Jim was training for a tri...
... and here he is competing in his second sprint triathlon. The swimming leg was a hard go as the athletes were facing a current this year, but even so, Jim shaved two minutes off his time from last year. Yay Jim!

Back at home we've been watching our usual company of wildlife. A bunny (or is that a hare?) seems to have settled in under the Coop deck. We've also been seeing Cookie and Kit, our resident mom/daughter deer, on a regular basis. They're getting quite bold and many of our guests have seen them as well. We've seen frogs, fireflies, turtles, and we even glimpsed a young bear along the side of Hwy 11!
I found some empty turtle shells along the Seguin Trail. Snapping and painted turtles are a fairly common sight along roads and trails in the Spring.
Our new chickens have started to lay! Most of the eggs are still fairly small but they'll get bigger as the chickens mature. You can also see in the photo they range in colour from pale beige to a deep brown. One thing's for sure: they all taste great!
We added some new Muskoka chairs for the front deck and did our usual sprucing up of some older furniture and decking with fresh paint and planters.
Now how's that for a quiet, sunny spot to sip your morning coffee?
It's easy to "love thy neighbours" when said neighbours offer to bring your fresh, sweet strawberries from the local pick-your-own farm! Time for me to make some jam and get ready for July...
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